How to Wait for a Plugin to Be Loaded in WordPress

If you’ve ever encountered a situation where you need to use a function or class from another plugin in WordPress, you may have experienced errors due to the plugin not being fully loaded.

In this post, we’ll explore how to wait for a plugin to be loaded in WordPress, so you can use its functions and classes without encountering errors.

Key Takeaways

  • The plugins_loaded action hook can be used to wait for all active plugins to be loaded in WordPress.
  • It’s important to check if a plugin is active before using any of its functions or classes to avoid errors.
  • Conflicts can arise when multiple plugins use the same function or class name, so it’s essential to handle these situations carefully.

Using the plugins_loaded Hook in WordPress

In WordPress, the plugins_loaded action hook is triggered after all active plugins have been loaded but before any functions or classes in those plugins have been called.

This makes it the perfect hook to use if you need to wait for a plugin to be fully loaded before using any of its functions or classes.

To use the plugins_loaded hook to wait for a specific plugin to be loaded, you can check if the plugin is active and then include your code that depends on it.

Here’s an example:

add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'my_plugin_function' );
function my_plugin_function() {
    // Check if the plugin you're waiting for is active
    if ( class_exists( 'My_Plugin_Class' ) ) {
        // Include your code that depends on the plugin
        $my_plugin_instance = new My_Plugin_Class();
        // Do something with $my_plugin_instance

In this example, we’re using the class_exists function to check if the class we need from the other plugin, My_Plugin_Class, exists. If it does, we can safely assume that the plugin is active, and we can include our code that depends on it.

Checking If a Plugin is Active

It’s essential to check if a plugin is active before using any of its functions or classes to avoid errors. To do this, you can use the is_plugin_active function, which returns true if the specified plugin is active. Here’s an example:

if ( is_plugin_active( 'my-plugin/my-plugin.php' ) ) {
    // Plugin is active, include your code that depends on it

In this example, we’re checking if the my-plugin plugin is active. If it is, we can include our code that depends on it.

Handling Conflicts Between Plugins

Conflicts can arise when multiple plugins use the same function or class name, causing a fatal error. To avoid these conflicts, you can prefix your function and class names with a unique identifier specific to your plugin.

Here’s an example:

class My_Plugin_My_Class {
    // Your class methods here

In this example, we’ve prefixed our class name with My_Plugin_ to ensure that it doesn’t conflict with other plugins that may use the same class name.

You can also use namespacing to prefix your function and class names with a unique identifier specific to your plugin. Namespacing allows you to create a unique namespace for your plugin’s functions and classes.

For example, if you’re creating a plugin called “My_Plugin”, you can use `My_Plugin` as your namespace prefix. This ensures that your function and class names are unique and won’t conflict with other plugins or WordPress core.

Here’s an example of how you can use namespacing for your classes:

namespace My_Plugin;

class My_Class {
    // Your class methods here

In this example, we’re using the namespace keyword to declare a namespace for our plugin. We’ve then defined a class called My_Class within our namespace. This class is now accessible using the fully qualified name My_Plugin\My_Class.


Waiting for a plugin to be loaded in WordPress is essential if you need to use functions or classes from other plugins. By using the plugins_loaded hook and checking if a plugin is active, you can avoid errors and ensure that your code runs smoothly.

Remember to handle conflicts between plugins carefully, and always prefix your function and class names with a unique identifier specific to your plugin.