how to autoload classes in php with 9 lines of code

How To Autoload Classes In PHP (with 9 lines of code)

Creating a PHP class loader is a convenient way to automatically include the necessary files when using classes in your PHP projects. This can save you time and effort by eliminating the need to manually include each class file. In this article, we will show you how to create a simple PHP class loader using the spl_autoload_register function.

Why Use a PHP Class Loader?

In PHP, you typically need to include the class files manually using the require or include statements. This can be tedious and error-prone, especially if you have a large number of classes in your project.

A class loader is a function that automatically includes the necessary class files when they are used in your code. This eliminates the need to manually include each class file, and makes it easier to organize and maintain your code.

Using spl_autoload_register

The spl_autoload_register function is a built-in PHP function that registers a function to be called whenever an undefined class is used in your code. This function takes a callback as its only argument, which should be a function that includes the necessary class file.

Here is an example of how you can use spl_autoload_register to create a simple PHP class loader:

spl_autoload_register(function ($class) {

    // split the incoming class name into an array
    $parts = explode('\\', $class);

    // remove the first element from the array

    // join the array elements into a string
    $class = implode('/', $parts);

    // include the class file if it exists
    $path = __DIR__ . '/' . $class . '.php';
    if (file_exists($path)) {
        require_once $path;

Removing the empty lines and comments, we get a simple 9-line function that will automatically include the necessary class files when they are used in your code, as long as the file exists in the specified directory.

In this example, we use the explode and implode functions to split the incoming class name into an array and then join it back together into a string. This is necessary because class names are typically in the namespace\class format, and we want to convert them into the namespace/class format.

Next, we use the __DIR__ magic constant to determine the current directory and append the class name to it. This creates the path to the class file, which we can then check using the file_exists function. If the file exists, we include it using the require_once statement.

Once the path to the class file has been constructed, we can use the file_exists function to check if the file exists. If it does, we include it using the require_once statement.

Here, I drop the namespace from the class name because all of the classes are properly located relative to the __DIR__ magic constant. This means that the __DIR__ directory is the base directory for all of the classes, and the class files are organized in a predictable and consistent manner.

For example, if the class name is Foo\Bar\Baz, the path to the class file would be /Bar/Baz.php relative to the __DIR__ directory.

The reasons why you want to do that is: if your project is small and self-contained, having all your classes sit in the /Foo folder (relative to the script location, which is __DIR__) would be useless and redundant.


In this article, we have shown you how to create a simple PHP class loader using the spl_autoload_register function. We have also discussed how to handle namespaced class